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Trova il codice HSN o il codice ITC HS e le relative aliquote GST per il tuo prodotto con il nostro strumento di ricerca del codice HSN. Cerca per uno dei due
nome del prodotto o codice HSN. Utilizza un elenco di categorie come metodo alternativo per accedere al codice HS dei tuoi prodotti.

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Ricerche frequenti:
Codici HSN per il capitolo 67
Skins and other parts of birds with their feathers or down, feathers, parts of feathers, down and articles thereof (other than goods of heading 05.05 and worked quills and scapes).
Artificial flowers, foliage and fruit and parts thereof; articles made of artificial flowers, foliage or fruit.
Human hair, dressed, thinned, bleached or otherwise worked; wool or other animal hair or other textile materials, prepared for use in making wigs or the like.
Wigs, false beards, eyebrows and eyelashes, switches and the like, of human or animal hair or of textile materials; articles of human hair not elsewhere specified or included.

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