Cerca HS Code

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Ricerche frequenti:
Codici HSN per il capitolo 86
Rail locomotives powered from an external source of electricity or by electric accumulators.
Other rail locomotives; locomotive tenders.
Self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans and trucks, other than those of heading 86.04.
Railway or tramway maintenance or service vehicles, whether or not self-propelled (for example, workshops, cranes, ballast tampers, trackliners, testing coaches and track inspection vehicles).
Railway or tramway passenger coaches, not self-propelled; luggage vans, post office coaches and other special purpose railway or tramway coaches, not self-propelled (excluding those of heading 86.04).
Railway or tramway goods vans and wagons, not self-propelled.
Parts of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock.
Railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings; mechanical (including electro-mechanical) signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields; parts of the foregoing.
Containers (including containers for the transport of fluids) specially designed and equipped for carriage by one or more modes of transport.

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