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Często wyszukiwane:
Kody HSN dla rozdziału 93
Military weapons, other than revolvers, pistols and the arms of heading 93.07.
Revolvers and pistols, other than those of heading 93.03 or 93.04.
Other firearms and similar devices which operate by the firing of an explosive charge (for example, sporting shotguns and rifles, muzzle-loading firearms, Very pistols and other devices designed to project only signal flares, pistols and revolvers for firing blank ammunition, captive-bolt humane killers, line-throwing guns).
Other arms (for example, spring, air or gas guns and pistols, truncheons), excluding those of heading 93.07.
Parts and accessories of articles of headings 93.01 to 93.04.
Bombs, grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles and similar munitions of war and parts thereof; cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles and parts thereof, including shot and cartridge wads.
Swords, cutlasses, bayonets, lances and similar arms and parts thereof and scabbards and sheaths therefor.

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