Cogoport X Prodalim Group Interview

Technology & Advancements

29 April 2020 • 2 min. Brot

Cogoport X Prodalim Group Interview

Editorial Team

Watch Ido Rosenthal, CTO at Prodalim group, talk about the joys and challenges of running a successful international business.

Watch Ido Rosenthal, CTO at Prodalim group, talk about the joys and challenges of running a successful international business.

Prodalim Group provides optimised solutions to bottling companies across the globe.  More simply put,  they get top quality fruit juices into the hands of bottling companies, who then make sure that those same juices fill your glass.

1. What inspired the creation of Prodalim?

2. What is your experience of being an entrepreneur?

3. How do you feel about the industry growing in the era of digitisation?

4. What are your thoughts on sustainable practices in the industry?

5. Do you face any challenges with importing and exporting your product?

6.  How do you utilize technology to make your business more efficient?

7. What 3 things do you wish you know when you started?


16 September 2023
One of the worst experiences with the employee of COGO . Never seen any such employee in service industry. Abusive , Ruth , mannerless with no work ethics towards valuable clients . Ranveer .

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