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If you are in the business of exporting and importing goods, you would be familiar with the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System, better known as the Harmonised System (HS) or Harmonised System of Nomenclature (HSN). It is a universally accepted method of classifying traded goods. Its main function is to help customs authorities identify products and assess the right duties and taxes on them. In the Harmonised System, each product is assigned a unique numerical code called the HS code. This code has a minimum of six digits and can typically go up to 10 digits (though China has a 13-digit code).

What is harmonized system?

A way to identify any product with a 6 digit code
First 2 digits identify the chapter the product falls into
The next 2 digits identify a heading with that chapter
The last 2 digits denote a sub-heading making it more specific
There is an example on the right
HS Code: 090111
Chapter: Coffee, Tea, mate & Spices
Heading: Whether or not roasted or decaffeinated, coffee husks and skin, coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion
Subheading: Coffee, not roasted,not decaffeinated

Correct HS code ensures

You pay the right duty
You receive the benefits you are eligible for, such as a suspension of customs duty
You are informed of whether your product attracts anti-dumping duty, requires a special licence to be shipped or comes under a trade quota

Incorrect use may cause

Steep fines and penalties imposed by customs authorities
Denial of import-export privileges
Denial of refund or a lengthy process to claim a refund if you have paid a higher rate of duty
Payment of duty difference plus interest if you have underpaid
List of HS code

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